"With the “under the sking” series, in fact, Laura herself states that she is interested in “painting what is under the skin of women. The skin represents, both physically and emotionally, the boundary between us and others. which separates us and connects us to the outside world at the same time, is what makes us embodied beings, in part apparent, because in reality we are permeable to external substances and stimuli in our relationships with others containers and vehicles of emotions, thoughts, stories”. Her work is a slow, paused and necessary piece of reporting: Laura continually tells the stories of women, stories to listen to, stories to reflect on, stories that belong to us. It is she who once again shows us that her images are worth a journey beneath the surface, saying "There are internal movements that allow a faint glow to shine through the gaze or the movements of the hands. But what is beyond the corporeal, the material? Sometimes I would like to pierce it, pierce this skin, travel the paths of the veins in search of the seat of emotions and thoughts, in the stomach, heart, throat, eyes, feelings and soul". (excerpt from the text by Sara Taglialagamba)